Le feu de la légion Boros
Commander 2013 Release Party
Wassim Yassine
Monsters 24
3x Blaster,Dragon Ruler of Infernos
3x Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
3x Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
3x Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
2x Card Trooper
1x Trigon
3x Maxx ‘C’
Spells 11
3x Sacred Sword of Seven Stars
1x Book of Moon
Traps 5
1x Rageki Break
1x Sixth Sense
1x Return From the Diffrent Dimension
Side Deck 15
3x Skill Drain
3x Royal Decree
2x XYZ Encore
2x D.D. Crow
Extra Deck 15
2x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Armory Arm
1x Star Eater
Ruo Chen Mo
Deck: Geargia
Monstre 19
3x Geargiarmor
1x Geargiano
2x Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 ”Saizan”
1x Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 “Nishipachi”
2x Maxx ‘C’
Spells 7
1x Iron Call
1x Book of Moon
Traps 14
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Trap Stun
3x Geargiagear
2x Mirror Force
Side deck 15
2x Gozen Match
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
1x Soul Drain
1x Macro Cosmos
Extra Deck 15
2x Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 ”Burei”
2x Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X “Bureido”
1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Maestroke the Syphony Djinn
Philip Michael
Deck: Spellbook
Monstre 11
3x Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
2x Maxx ‘C’
Spells 22
1x Book of Moon
3x Spellbook Library of the Crescent
Traps 7
1x Sixth Sense
1x Rageki Break
Side Deck 15
2x Debunk
2x Royal Decree
2x Retort
Extra Deck 15
1x Shining Elf
1x Scrap Dragon
Michel Blanchette
Deck: E-Dragunity
Monstre 22
3x Blaster,Dragon Ruler of Infernos
3x Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
3x Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
3x Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
2x Maxx ‘C’
1x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Spells 12
1x Dark Hole
1x Book of Moon
3x Sacred Sword of Seven Stars
2x Terraforming
Traps 6
1x Return From the Diffrent Dimension
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Mirror Force
Side deck 15
1x Maxx ‘C’
2x XYZ Encore
2x Debunk
2x Skill Drain
2x Royal Decree
Extra Deck 15
3x Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana
1x Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
Anthony Falardeau
Deck: Constellar
Monstre 17
1x Honest
Spell 10
1x Dark Hole
1x Book of Moon
Trap 13
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Dust Tornado
Side Deck 15
3x Mind Crush
1x Soul Drain
2x Gozen Match
1x Dust Tornado
2x Cyber Dragon
Extra Deck 15
1x Chimeratech Forteress Dragon
Bruce-Lee George
Monstre 17
3x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Bear
1x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Dragon
2x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Boar
1x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Gorilla
2x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Rooster
3x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Leopard
1x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Spirit
2x Blaster,Dragon Ruler of Infernos
Spells 14
1x Dark Hole
1x Book of Moon
2x Onslaught of the Fire Kings
Traps 9
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
Side Deck 15
2x Mind Drain
1x Soul Drain
2x Gozen Match
2x Maxx ‘C’
Extra Deck 15
2x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Horse Prince
1x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Kirin
1x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Tiger King
1x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Cardinal
1x Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Lion Emperor
1x Number 50:Blackship of Corn
Bronte Dover
Monstre 27
3x Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms
3x Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
3x Blaster,Dragon Ruler of Infernos
1x Ryu-Ran
3x Maxx ‘C’
Spells 8
3x Sacred Sword of Seven Stars
3x Hieratic Seal of Convocation
1x Book of Moon
Trap 5
1x Mirror Force
1x Trap Stun
1x Return From the Diffrent Dimension
Side Deck 15
2x XYZ Encore
2x Skill Drain
2x Royal Decree
1x Divine Wrath
Extra Deck 15
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
2x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
Edward Charette
Monstre 10
3x Spellbook Magician of Prophecy
Spells 21
3x Spellbook Library of the Crescent
1x Book of Moon
Traps 9
2x Mirror Force
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
Side Deck 15
1x D.D. Crow
2x Stumbling
2x Retort
2x Debunk
Extra Deck 15
1x Shining Elf
1x Number 66:Master Key Beetle
1x Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1x Maestroke the Syphony Djinn
1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack