Nouveautés Privateer Press juin 2015
Commander: changement d’une règle et survol du format “Tiny Leader”
2015/06/03Voici des nouveautés games Workshop que vous pourriez avoir manqué en mai 2015:
2 mai – 9 mai – 16 mai – 23 mai – 30 mai
Assassinorum: Execution Force
A brand-new boxed game, Assassinorum: Execution Force gives four Imperial Assassins an incredibly important mission – slay Chaos Lord Drask before his dark ritual brings about the end of the Imperium itself! A fast-paced co-operative game for one to four players, it blends stealth, tactics, subtle forward-thinking and outright blazing violence into a fantastic, tense, action-packed experience that is accessible to board game players of any level.
Warhammer Visions #16
Warhammer Visions is a fantastic monthly magazine from the White Dwarf team. This is a super high-quality visual feast of Citadel Miniatures. In over 230 pages you’ll find a fresh, visually incredible take on the worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 in a stunning extended pictorial style.
Codex: Imperial Knights
Sous la conduite d’un pilote noble, un Imperial Knight se meut avec une vitesse et une agilité normalement inconcevable chez un engin de cette taille. Le feu ennemi ricoche contre son épais blindage, et son bouclier ionique scintille en absorbant les pires attaques, tandis que l’Imperial Knight déchaîne un armement capable de volatiliser des bataillons entiers en une salve soutenue. Si d’aventure l’ennemi survit à ce torrent de feu, le Knight fait la démonstration de ses terrifiantes capacités au corps à corps, défonçant les blindages les plus solides avec son gantelet cyclopéen ou broyant les troupes sous ses pieds massifs. Un escadron d’Imperial Knights en action offre le spectacle de la splendeur et de la puissance de l’Imperium.
Note: disponible en anglais et en français
Imperial Knight Warden
An imposingly tall, heavily armed engine of war, nothing announces its presence on the battlefield quite like an Imperial Knight Warden. Carrying itself into the thick of the action with heavy, thudding steps, the distinctive drone of the avenger gatling cannon sounding a terrible clarion call, the Knight is capable of unleashing a furious hellstorm of large-calibre shells that can tear apart even the most impressively-armoured foe. Should any enemy be brave – or foolish – enough to engage a Warden at close quarters, they’ll find themselves at the mercy of some of the Imperium’s most fearsome close-combat weaponry; the Reaper chainsword is the stuff of hushed legend amongst the Emperor’s enemies.
Adeptus Mechanicus Kastelan Robots
A huge, ancient robot built ten thousand years ago, the Kastelan Robot is a perfect example of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ repurposing of technology. Nearly unstoppable, their only flaw is that of any mere machine; they will follow instructions to the letter, even if this results in their own demise. A specialist Tech-Priest – the Cybernetica Datasmith – must constantly update and reprogram the Kastelan via order dataslates, lest this enormous, clanking robot simply stride blindly into a nearby chasm. Make no mistake, however; when his controls are set to destroy, the Kastelan will destroy.
Adeptus Mechanicus Kataphron Battle Servitors
Completely severed from concepts such as ethics, morality, or even thought, the Kataphron Destroyer is nothing more than a living weapon, wielded by Tech-Priests to further the data-hungry march of the Machine God’s chosen emissaries. Absolutely covered in incredibly powerful weaponry, the Kataphron Destroyers are the Adeptus Mechanicus’ scorched earth policy – nothing will be left of their targets but molten sludge.
Codex Cult Mechanicus
Disciples du Dieu-Machine.
Soyez témoins de la venue du Cult Mechanicus. Austère procession d’horreurs cybernétiques et d’automates sans âme, il n’apporte ni salut ni message de paix. Il ne cherche pas à convertir quiconque à son credo. Son seul but est de semer la mort, de l’enregistrer et de l’évaluer pour une assimilation ultérieure. Marchant implacablement de monde en monde, striant les cieux sous l’effet de l’énergie colossale qu’ils manient, les Tech-Priests du Cult Mechanicus marmonnent leurs prières en code-machine dans d’étranges bouffées d’électricité statique, tout en aspirant le champ bioélectrique de quiconque s’oppose à eux. Une sinistre démonstration de foi absolue et inébranlable, appuyée par la technologie la plus avancée de l’Imperium – oserez-vous défier la volonté de l’Omnimessie?
Note: disponible en anglais et en français
Datacards: Cult Mechanicus
Ce jeu de quarante-trois cartes luxueuses comprend six cartes grand format dédiées aux Cantiques de l’Omnimessie, des règles spéciales qui décuplent la ferveur religieuse des Tech-Priests, ainsi qu’une septième expliquant leur emploi, et un jeu de trente-six cartes d’Objectifs Tactiques du Cult Mechanicus, comprenant les Objectifs Tactiques exclusifs du Codex:Cult Mechanicus.
Note: disponible en anglais et en français
Adeptus Mechanicus Electro-Priests
Surrounded by a protective veil of lightning, clutching electroleech staves, the Fulgurite Electro-Priests believe that there is no greater blasphemy than the waste of energy. Striding into battle at the height of religious mania, they are capable of draining the very bioelectricity from their foes, storing it in powerful capacitors as the enemy drops to the ground, cold and inert as stone. This stolen energy will later be used to power their holy march across the galaxy, everything behind them falling into permanent darkness.
Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priest Dominus
The masters of the Cult Mechanicus, the Tech-Priests Dominus have a prodigious talent and hunger for war. Their minds are filled by a constant stream of information – bullet trajectories, optimal artillery arcs, las-pack capacities – and they leverage this information to visit destruction upon the enemy with every command issued from their cybernetically-enhanced forms.
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