2013/04/13Hidden Arsenal 7Tomasz nous parle de la sortie prochaine d'Hidden Arsenal 7 et des cartes qui pourraient créer des surprises.
2013/05/16Article Yu-Gi-Oh!With the release of Abyss Rising, there is an important game mechanic which needs to be reviewed.
2013/06/10Walking the DragonsIn this article, I’ll take a look at the newest archetype in Yu-Gi-Oh: Dragon Ruler. I believe this deck has the potential to be one of the most broken decks of all time
2013/09/03A Look AheadLet’s look at the F&L list and analyze how the meta will be impacted for September
2013/09/12Pietro au YCS L’équipe du Gamekeeper m’a demandé de vous faire part de mon expérience lors du dernier YCS
2014/03/24Your First RegionalsI’m dedicating this article to help some newer players with how to prepare for a Regional event.