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2014/05/20Greetings Yu-Gi-Oh players! Today’s articles touches on a subject that I am very familiar with. Many people on the island of Montreal and on forums such as Pojo and Duelist Groundz have known me for quite some time as a Lightsworn player and expert. Although I’ve played with other decks over the years, Lightsworn has always been one of my pet projects.
I am proud to bring a new Lightsworn deck which will certainly make an impact once the new structure deck hits the TCG. I have had several correspondents help me out with this deck, and a huge thanks goes to Daniel Hackl, Reuben Monroy, and Andy Le-Lam. My current build in this article is slightly different from the one in the video, and this is due to making certain changes geared towards playing vs. the meta.
The Deck name “Soular Eclipse”, a play on the cards Solar Recharge, Soul Charge, and Eclipse Wyvern … all key cards in this deck!
Main Deck [40]
3 Judgment Dragon
2 Lightray Diabolos
3 Eclipse Wyvern
1 Blaster,Dragon Ruler of Infernos
1 Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls
1 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders
3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
1 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
3 Raiden, Lightsworn Assailant
2 Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden
2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
1 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
1 Black Dragon Collapserpent
1 Honest
3 Maxx “C”
1 Charge of the Light Brigade
3 Soul Charge
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Dragon Shrine
1 Foolish Burial
Extra Deck [15]
2 Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
1 Number 11:Big Eye
1 Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand
1 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1 Lavalval Chain
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1 Leviair the Sea Dragon
1 Star Eater
1 Stardust Spark Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
2 Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
1 Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tre
So let me run you through the deck, card by card.
[3] Judgment Dragon
Searchable through Eclipse Wyvern, and it is the ultimate game ender. Although not as powerful since priority for ignition effects was removed, this card can still win games by itself.
[2] Lightray Diabolos
Also a target for Eclipse Wyvern, this card is easily summonable, and it helps counter Artifacts. Further, it’s a Light-attribute Dragon-type monster that meshes well with the Dragon rulers and Michael to open up devastating Rank 7 plays. He’s a huge body that will bait backrow until you ultimately drop Judgment Dragon to end the game. An indispensable card that can be searched and, at worst, be used as fodder for Sacred Sword of Seven Stars, if you choose to play it.
[3] Eclipse Wyvern
With the speed that this deck mills at, Eclipse Wyvern allows you to quickly access Judgment Dragon or Lightray Diabolos. Although Beckoning Light accomplishes this, it has become archaic and slow in comparison to what Eclipse Wyvern offers. You can send it to the grave with Foolish Burial, Lavalval Chain, or get lucky and mill it. Hitting it off Reasoning, another cool card you can consider for this deck, even when your opponent calls level 4 will still let you plus!
[3] Dragon Rulers
I only choose to run 3 Rulers because I would rather keep this deck at 40, and I don’t want to run the increased risk of drawing cloggy hands. Tempest was the odd man out because Redox can be used as a wall versus Beelze until I can draw an answer, While Blaster and Tidal get in merely on high attack points. Redox can also make use of your Maxx “C” in the grave. The deck runs between 10-15 main decked Dragons based on how many you choose to run, with a further 7 in the extra deck, so you’ll never be starved for fodder for your rulers. In case you need to dig deeper in your deck, you can use them for Sacred Sword of Seven Stars. Perhaps the biggest asset the Rulers bring to this deck is the ability to banish 2 eclipse wyverns simultaneously, instantly creating a potential +2 or +3 depending on whether the Ruler is in hand or in grave. This deck has the ability to go into rank 7 on a whim, and the Rulers combine nicely with Michael and Diabolos in accomplishing this.
[3] Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Besides being the heart and soul of the deck, Lumina opens up a large amount of plays, the most notable being direct access to Michael, via Raiden. I can write an entire article on all the plays Lumina opens up in this deck, so I’ll let you guys experiment with her.
[1] Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
If you play reasoning because Soul Charge might not be within you budget restraints, Wulf is a card I would run 2-3 of. I play one because of it’s incredible synergy with Raiden, Foolish Burial, and the added special summon it offers. Once Felice, Lightsworn Archer is announced to the TCG world, then it remains to be seen how many of either card should be played. Felice have wonderful synergy with Mathematician for instant Black Rose Dragon plays.
[3] Raiden, Lightsworn Assailant
Here is the card that is responsible for the Lightsworn revival. A level 4 tuner that allows you to go into level 7 and 8 on a whim. He adds much needed main-phase milling to the deck, something the deck has struggled to accomplish since Charge was limited to 1. He also has the ability to potentially pump himself to 2100 attack, and he is a target for Reinforcement of the Army. Once again, I can write an article entirely on how Raiden is paramount to this deck, but I’ll let the players see his full utility for themselves.
[2] Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden
In testing, there was one play that we developed with Minerva that was outright broken. You would normal summon Minerva, when you had 4 Lightsworn names in grave, and then search White Dragon Wyverburster. You would special summon Wyverburster and synchro for Michael. White Dragon would activate in the grave, letting you search Collapserpent. The truth is that white Dragon has been periodically coming in and out of the deck. Although the play with Minerva is incredible, the issue is that due to the lack of Dark monsters, White Dragon is dead more often than not, and I am against the idea of splashing more Dark monsters in the deck to simply cater to one play. Minerva still opens many plays, the mills and extra card when sent from deck or hand to grave, and still allows for synchro options. She can also search Eclipse Wyvern. She is a wonderful card if you play reasoning, but her most optimal use comes from soul charge. As a level 3 tuner, she opens the door to Leo, and is an alternative way to making Michael (besides Raiden)
[2] Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
A key component to the deck, Lyla is a great utility card that is guaranteed to force your opponent into a response. Be it a fiendish chain, an effect veiler, attacking over a monster, or destroying a spell/trap, Lyla is a great card that should be played at no less than 2 in this particular build. She’s a great shoice for revival off Soul Charge.
[1] Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
Ehren is a very curious choice to include, over cards such as Ryko and Jain. The reason why she trumps over Ryko is because she is a Reinforcement of the Army target and Ryko is simply too slow for the game as it is. I chose Ehren over chain because (1) she mills 3 at the end phase instead of 2, (2) with Card Troopers (if you choose to play him) and 3 Raiden, I don’t have a problem getting over Yamato, Thunder King, etc., and (3) her overall utility vs the meta. She can send a geargiarmor or Kumushroomo back to the deck, as well as Beelze. Smart Zombie/Beelze deck players will bring Beelze out in defense mode to avoid losing it to Number 101: Honor ARK. Ehren essentially serves as another removal tool for Beelze, other than Big-Eye, Michael, or ARK.
[1] Black Dragon Collapserpent
This is a wonderful utility card that allows you to perform synchro summons and XYZ summons free of cost. You can add in Wyverburstar for an added bonus, if you are willing to sacrifice some consistency.
[1] Honest
Honest is a win condition and should be used as such. I’ve seen so many players misuse Honest when, in reality, it is an important resource one must conserve for the right moment and thus outright winning you the game, or turning the tide in your favour. Also, I love to special summon Honest from my grave with Soul Charge for later use.
[3] Maxx “C”
The format is evolving fast and becoming degenerately quick. I love playing 3 Maxx “C” because of the psychological clock it imposes on certain decks. Imagine that you are about to make a huge push vs. Lightsworn, but then have a Maxx “C” dropped against you. You have to stop, or you otherwise risk losing your field to Judgment Dragon. Conversely, you may be forced to keep pushing because you don’t want to leave yourself exposed. Either way, a well-timed Maxx “C” can turn the tide of a game. If Patrick Hoban is known for Upstart Goblin and Reckless Greed, I’d like to think that Maxx “C” is my card. It often ends up finding its way in every single deck I play.
[3] Solar Recharge
One of the best cards in the deck, and perhaps the best draw engine in Yu-Gi-Oh. 3 Recharge is a staple.
[1] Charge of the Light Brigade
Just like Solar Recharge, Charge is a staple in this deck for obvious reasons.
[3] Soul Charge
Soul Charge allows this deck to consistently make huge field turn 1 and push through anything that is thrown at you. Just the other day, Soul Charge allowed me to push through 2 Shooting Quasar Dragons and 5 backrow, and I ended with a Dracossack and a Vanity’s Emptiness set. I won’t elaborate much on these combos because there are many turn 1 combos you can exploit, and each one is dependent on the other cards in your hand. You can expect to make 2 Dracossack, 2 tokens, 1 Stardust Spark Dragon on your first turn if you properly set yourself up. A set emptiness or a Maxx “C” in hand is always a nice follow-up!
[1] Reinforcement of the Army
Searches Ehren and Raiden for added consistency, increasing the likelihood of you getting some main phase milling on turn 1.
[1] Dragon Shrine
Dragon Shrine lets you set your grave up quickly. It’s generally a really good card to help you access some important plays through your Dragon Rulers, Eclipse, or Diabolos.
[1] Foolish Burial
Foolish Burial is an often overlooked card in Lightsworn, but with the advent of Tuner Lightsworn Monsters, Foolish Burial gives you instant access to Wulf for a level 7 or 8 synchro or a rank 4 monster. It can also send an Eclipse Wyvern to grave when you need a Judgment Dragon or a Diabolos.
[2] Vanity’s Emptiness
This deck has the uncanny ability to overcame any field, no matter how large. My favorite follow up after breaking through my opponent’s defences is making a Stardust Spark Dragon and sitting on a Vanity’s Emptiness.
Extra Deck [15]
[2] Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
Going into rank 7 after a Michael play to destroy a card is always great early game. Its ability to save itself with token on the field when you use Judgment Dragon’s effect is not to be overlooked either.
[1] Number 11: Big-Eye
Steal Beelze, or any other problem card if you Michael was Veilered or hit by Fiendish Chain!
[1] Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand
Sometimes leaving 2 Judgment Dragons out isn’t the best play. Felgrand is also the stone cold nuts in many situations.
[1] Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Nothing beats clearing a field. Often, Exciton will bait a veiler out, ensuring your Judgment Dragon goes through.
[1] Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
Steal problems cards away when Big-Eye isn’t an option. His built in protect effect also works nicely with Judgment Dragon.
[1] Lavalval Chain
Use it to special summon Wulf from your deck, or mill an Eclipse Wyvern.
[1] Leviair the Sea Dragon
a great utility card with infinite uses in this deck. Instantly accessible through Lumina.
[1] Star Eater
Raiden + any level 7 makes Star Eater. He’s also a Light-Dragon as an added bonus.
[1] Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree
Minerva plus any level 7 makes him. He makes your already good Fire Fist matchup even better.
[1] Stardust Spark Dragon
Another card which protects itself under Judgment Dragon, Spark brings more overall utility than Stardust Dragon.
[1] Scrap Dragon
Gets rid of problematic field spells/continuous spells and traps, or generally anything that can be a hindrance to you.
[1] Black Rose Dragon
For when you need a field wipe when a Judgment Dragon isn’t safe, or is otherwise unavailable.
[2] Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
The boss of the deck, other than Judgment Dragon. His broken ability is unparalleled in the game today.
In short, this deck I’ve created has been the culmination of many correspondences with players trying to achieve something similar. With 3 months until the release of the structure deck, I hope that I have piqued your curiosity. I do believe this is the right approach for Lightsworn forward on, and I will continue to test and discover new interactions until I have personally found what I believe to be the most optimal build. Keep in mind, we’re still waiting to find out what Lightsworn Sanctuary does, and if we’ll be getting Felice, Lightsworn Archer. Until then, there are dozens of cards you can test in this deck such as: Wyverburstar, Reasoning, Kuribandit, Jain, Sacred Sword of Seven Stars, Tuning, Unknown Synchron, Beelze, Abyss Dweller (for when Artifacts are released in the TCG), Gragonith the Lightsworn Dragon, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Mathematician, Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning, and a host of other cards. One quick word on Kuribandit – it simply doesn’t interact as well with Lightsworn as it does in Sylvans or Mythic Rulers. Lightsworn is more dependent on its normal summon than Rulers. Early game, a bandit might leave you overexposed and open to an OTK because you don’t have as many special summons live without a Recharge or a Charge. Also, Raiden or a Lumina play is almost always the better option. Then, Bandit sits in your hand until mid-late game and it is far less useful in an advanced gamestate. Trust me on this, Daniel Hackl and I have tried to find ways to make Kuribandit good in this deck, but it was very lackluster, and it simply didn’t accomplish what we hoped it would. Many other good players on Duelist Groundz and some of our correspondents are confirming these suspicions as well. That said, new cards and yet-to-be-tested interactions may make this card far better, but until then, Raiden and Soul Charge replicate what Bandit does while leaving you with a very solid field. Soul Charge certainly makes Bandit more viable as you can special cards from your grave and then normal summon your bandit, but keep in mind that you won’t always draw these 2 cards together, and you may not have anything in grave to special summon with Soul Charge on turn 1. In short, Bandit hasn’t lived up to its expectations. It may be hard for me to justify the downside to bandit to someone who hasn’t tested this deck, but you will certainly come to the same conclusion once you do.
After months of testing (since the cards were released in the OCG), I’ve been testing all the interactions and I truly believe this is the best and most consistent version of this deck. I will continue to test new cards and make changes over the upcoming weeks, but this article was merely meant to wet your appetites, and show you a really neat deck to play for the North American World Championship Qualifier in July.
I don’t have an issue sharing my deck idea and build, especially since I’ve been selected to judge the North American World Championship Qualifier. Hopefully, someone else who reads this article will be able to benefit from my hard work and research, and give me some credit for all this effort!
Until then, this is Jordan M., Montreal’s preeminent Lightsworn player, and I’m always looking to take this deck to new heights.